Women's Outreach
Are you a woman, dynamic, passionate, godly or broken, depressed ?
Do you need a strong awakening in your womanhood, strength, fellowship, support of your fellow sisters ? AFF Women is the place to beAFF WOMEN'S MANDATE
In present times, building a career, family and life as a woman can be very tasking. Some of us wake up feeling sad, depressed, dejected…etc, Some of us have developed some ill addictions, some have even attempted sucide.
AFF has sisters that have walked this path before and have turned out very successful, tearing down any wall of opposition to the full potentials of their womanhood. These women would love to listen to you, share their experience with you and provide support where necessary.
Join us in our meetings, let’s interact, hold your hand and walk you through becoming the very best version of yourself.
"She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard, She girds herself with strength And makes her arms strong. "
Ladies Interactive Talk
Our Ladies interactive talk session is aimed at raising outstanding & industrious women in the society without compromising their faith. Here, issues that ladies are afraid to speak of are tabled and thoroughly dealt with. Questions and Life’s puzzles ranging from singles’ life to a relationship, marriage, motherhood, family, sexual harassments, belittling jobs, business startups & scaling, discrimination victimization, the Christian faith, child training…etc
Indeed, there are various challenges facing women today, many questions that need answers, and many riddles to be solved. Once women, especially godly women, get things right, our world will get better.

" In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Women's Outreach
With your voluntary contributions, you can help better the life of a woman today. AFF travels to reach out to distressed women, the sick, abused, un-educated…etc. We provide fellowship, physical and emotional support, mentorship and guidance.
With your help we can do more and reach more