Saving and shaping the world is the goal of Christ. Being a part of His body to achieve this is the aim of AFF.
What We Do: AFF focuses on 3 major groups:
a. Families i. Home fellowships
ii. Sharing and Caring
iii. Couple’s Week
iv. Alpha Course
b. Women i. Monthly Ladies Interactive Talks
1. We discuss different topics over a potluck dinner.
2. We share our burdens together, pray together, read together, learn together, and interact together.
3. We travel together and reach out to other women.
4. Indoor and Outdoor activities
ii. Book Reading
c. Youth i. We hope to encourage as many youths as possible on finding purpose for life.
ii. AFF hope to reduce drug addiction, alcoholism, drop out by involving the youth in life transforming activities. We hope to build confidence in many of these youth, inspire hope, empower them for greatness. Every life counts before God and there is purpose for every life.